Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 4 PowerPoint...Week 5 Readings

The powerpoint from week 4 is available here

Review readings:

Needs analysis Part 1

Needs analysis Part 2

As mentioned in class, the needs analysis links here are geared toward a training environment, but the ideas presented are generally applicable to a college environment.

Readings for the upcoming week:

Supporting student success through scaffolding

Backward Design
(.pdf) read from page 6 on...

Differentiated instruction

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Week 4 Reading

This next week, we'll take a slight detour from the technicality of planning and developing programs. The intent of new programs is obviously to meet a particular need by learners, industry, or society as a whole. The delivery - or teaching - component of the program should be considered during the development stage. Our focus for this week will rest on the philosophical foundations of teaching, incorporating your own philosophy of teaching into the development of programs, planning support structures for learners, and aligning outcomes, curriculum, and evaluation. As this week will be the start of your group work, continuation of portfolio and concept maps, the reading list is light. To prepare for our next class, please review the following resources:

Developing your philosophy of teaching

Bigg's SOLO Taxonomy

Perry's scheme of intellectual and ethical development

Some of the readings (particular Perry's scheme) are a bit more complex than the general discussions we've had to date. In our next lecture session, we will tie together these principles from a development perspective.

Group Work

The course wiki now has the groups posted as well as a quick overview of the group assignment. The group work page can be found here. Each group will receive an email detailing their particular case to consider.

Week 3 Resources

The discussion this week focused on environmental scans, a review of needs assessment, task analysis, and the DACUM process. New concepts were introduced as well, focusing on learning gaps, learning targets, college wide learning outcomes, and cooperative learning. In addition to the readings posted last week, the following resources discussed in class are available:

PowerPoint slides: review, gaps, targets, CWLO

PowerPoint slides: Cooperative Learning

Example 1 of concept map

Example 2 of concept map

Example 3 of concept map

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Week Three Readings

During Tuesday's class, we discussed broad factors which influence (or comprise) program design and development: needs assessment, task analysis and task decomposition, DACUM, and instructional design models which integrate the findings from the NA process and generate outcomes). To prepare for our discussion next week (on learning gaps, learning targets, and college wide learning outcomes), please review the following resources:

1. Environmental scan (5 MB, .pdf) - don't read this in detail, just skim it to get a sense of the kind of information that is collected in an environmental scan. This document provides an overview of a scan of an entire college system, but a scan done at a program level may include many similar elements (i.e. student profiles, demographics, economic factors, resources, policy factors, etc).

2. Review the resources on the RRC site for College Wide Learning outcomes. In particular, review the outcomes.

3. Read this short article on performance gaps

4. Review the DACUM process. Find your field (or something close) on the RRC DACUM list.

Week Two Summary

I've posted the resources online from our class yesterday:


Link to RRC Curriculum Validation resource

DACUM example

CIPP evaluation
model checklist

Portfolio checklist for evaluation (you can complete items 1-4 based on our lecture last night)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Week One: Summary and Week Two Readings

The course outline is available here (.doc file).

Powerpoint slides from last night's session can be accessed here.

As mentioned in class yesterday, due to reduced face-to-face contact in contrast with regular CAE courses, a fair bit of reading will be assigned outside of classrooms. For this week, please review the following resources:

UCF Program Evaluation Guide (.pdf) - read pages 2 - 25

View the DACUM Video (about 9 minutes in length)...but it may take a few minutes to load...the shockwave version worked better for me.

Read page 3 - 5 of Belle Ruth Witkin's text on Google Books